Our congregation embodies a multitude of gifts, talents and passions that are expressed through many avenues to ministry at St. John’s. Where might you be called to serve?

1. Liturgy

Worship is the breathing, singing, praying heart of our congregation. And it takes a team to make it happen!
Choir: Led by Music Director, Steve Weikle, the choir enlivens Sunday services each week from September to June. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, 6:00 to 7:30 PM.
Acolytes: Acolytes assist the presiders at our Sunday worship, carrying the crucifix during the procession, helping to set the table at communion and more. For the more adept at digital technology, we also have Camera Acolytes who run our digital camera during services so we may livestream our Sunday worship.
Soundboard Technicians: They make sure our microphone and sound system are in balance during Sunday services and other events.
Altar Guild: The altar guild ensures that the table is set for worship. Their attention to the setup of our altar and other physical elements of our worship ensures we give glory and praise to God in a beautiful and graceful manner.
Designers Guild: These folks ensure the church is tastefully adorned with flowers and other artistic arrangements to amplify the beauty and meaning of our services.
Lectors: We rely on our lectors to bring the Word to life during worship services.
Ushers/Greeters: They welcome newcomers and old-timers alike, handing out bulletins and assisting visitors to prepare for worship.
Eucharistic Ministers: Eucharistic Ministers serve the church on Sundays as Chalice Bearers, bread servers.
Bread Bakers: This group prepares, on a rotating basis, the bread we use in communion.

2. Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Ministry Team: Engages in a ministry of presence with members of the parish who are in need, on behalf of the entire congregation. The Pastoral Ministry Team assesses the ways its members can be of assistance by providing meals, rides, companionship, and/or bringing communion and well wishes to parishioners from the congregation. Members may be part of Helping Hands and/or a Eucharistic Visitor.

3. Intercessory Prayer

Intercessory Prayer Ministry: The prayer concerns of the parish are gathered and shared via email and on St. John’s Intercessors Facebook page.
World in Prayer: This ministry, coordinated by a St. John’s member, provides weekly prayers for current international issues, is prepared by a team of 15 volunteers on three continents. See

4. Formation

Kindergarten class and nursery care are available during Sunday services.
People of Faith Study Group meets twice a month to study sacred scripture.

5. Parish Life

Coffee Hour: Volunteers brew the java and provide treats for our Sunday coffee hour. A spirited part of our congregational life.
Counters: A team of volunteers who count the plate offerings from all services, tally and track pledges, and provide general accounting for our treasurers.
Men’s BBQ: Six times a year this group organizes this tasty event for fellowship, good food, and a glass of wine on the first Sunday of January, March, May, July, September, and November.