What's Happening at St.  John's
1/21/2025 Ministry Reports

4/21/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, April 21, 2022
2022 04 21 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

4/14/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, April 14, 2022

4/11/2022 Monday Message

Monday Message
Monday, April 11, 2022
2022 04 11 Monday Message.docx

4/7/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, April 7, 2022
2022 04 07 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

3/31/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, March 31, 2022

3/24/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, March 24, 2022
2022 03 24 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

3/17/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, March 17, 2022
2022 03 17 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

3/10/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, March 10, 2022

3/7/2022 Monday Message

Monday Message
Monday, March 7, 2022
2022 03 07 Monday Message.docx

3/3/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Epistle
Thursday, March 3, 2022
2022 03 03 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

2/28/2022 Monday Message

Monday Message
Monday, February 28, 2022

2/24/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
February 24, 2022
2022 02 24 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

2/17/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
February 17, 2022
2022 02 17 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

2/10/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
February 10, 2022
2022 02 13 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

2/3/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, February 3, 2022
2022 02 03 Thursday Weekly Epistle Final.docx

1/27/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Epistle
Thursday, January 27, 2022

1/20/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, January 20, 2022
2022 01 20 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

1/13/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, January 13, 2022
2022 01 13 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

1/6/2022 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
January 6, 2022
2022 01 06 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

12/30/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
December 30, 2021
2021 12 30 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

12/23/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, December 23, 2021
2021 12 23 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

12/20/2021 Monday Message

Monday Message
Monday, December 20, 2021

12/16/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
December 16, 2021
2021 12 16 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

12/9/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
December 9, 2021

12/2/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, December 2, 2021

11/24/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Weekly Epistle
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

11/18/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, November 18, 2021
2021 11 18 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

11/10/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, November 11, 2021

11/4/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, November 4, 2021
2021 11 04 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

10/28/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, October 28, 2021
2021 10 28 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

10/25/2021 Monday Message

Monday Message
Monday, October 25, 2021
2021 10 25 Monday Message.docx

10/21/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, October 21, 2021

10/14/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, October 14, 2021
2021 10 14 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

10/7/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, October 7, 2021

9/30/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, September 30, 2021
2021 09 30 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

9/23/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, September 23, 2021
2021 09 23 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx 

9/16/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
September 16, 2021
2021 09 16 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

9/13/2021 Monday Message

Monday Message
September 13, 2021
2021 09 13 Monday Message.docx

9/9/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, September 9, 2021
2021 09 09 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

9/7/2021 Tuesday Message from Fr. Peter

Tuesday Message
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
2021 09 07 Tuesday Message.docx

9/2/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
September 2, 2021

8/26/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
August 26, 2021
2021 08 26 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

8/19/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle

Thursday Weekly Epistle
August 19, 2021
2021 08 19 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

8/12/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Epistle
August 12, 2021

8/5/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Epistle
August 5, 2021
2021 08 05 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

8/2/2021 Monday Message - August 2, 2021

Monday Message
2021 08 02 Monday Message.docx

7/29/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
July 29, 2021
2021 07 29 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

7/26/2021 Monday Message

Monday Message
July 26, 2021
2021 07 26 Monday Message.docx

7/22/2021 Thursday Epistle, July 22, 2021

July 25, 2021
Thursday Weekly Epistle

Streaming Improvement - We figured it out. For those who watch our live stream, the camera must be positioned in the back of our sanctuary, so that it is closer from where the wifi signal originates. The downside is that the built-in speaker on the camera is no longer close to the presider and preacher. This means that viewers will hear the ambient sound coming from the speakers. If having the camera close is preferred, we will have to film the service first, and then later in the morning post it to our social media pages. For now, we will continue with live-streaming.

Come to Worship Comfortably - During the summer, Fr. Peter encourages us to keep our “sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving,” by attending Sunday worship. Because people may have plans, or the weather is too hot, he invites us to come wearing our picnic outfits, or sports t-shirts, so that congregants are comfortable and can join us together as “the church.”

Where Have You Been To This Summer? - To date Fr. Peter has received one bulletin from a traveling couple, and was promised that a postcard from another is on its way to him. As you travel, and worship, send a memento (church bulletin, or post card if the former is not available). When enough of these items are collected, they will be displayed so that we can see where we have been this summer!

Office Coverage update: Penny is out of 7/18-22. There will be office coverage and phone coverage while she is out of town.

Friday Noonday on Hiatus – This service which does not get many (if any) views each week, and which takes time to record and upload, is going to be on hiatus for a period to include at least the rest of summer.

Sunday Memorials/Thanksgivings/Celebrations for Sunday, July 25, 2021: Elfonda Filomeo in loving memory of her grandson, Brandon Baker, for his birthday, July 28. Roxy & Steve Woodard in loving memory of his mother, Clem Woodard for her birthday, July 28. Kathy Girard in loving memory of her brother, Frank Roa, for his birthday, July 29.


Sunday July 25, 9:30 a.m. Worship In Person & Live Stream – Fr. Peter will preach this Sunday. You are welcome to join us in person, and for those who choose not to do so, we continue to stream live on our Facebook Page (with posting to our YouTube later in the day). (Facebook Link: www.facebook.com/stjojnslodi).


Homecoming Sunday September - Mark Your Calendars! Do you have a ministry that you want to promote? Do you want to become involved at St. John’s? On September 12 (the Sunday after Labor Day) we are going to celebrate our coming home to worship, after a summer break for many of us. To commemorate the new program year’s start, the Vestry is going to have tables set up for representatives of our ministries to use to help answer questions, and hopefully invite you to participate as a minister in the life of the parish. Whether as an acolyte, altar guild member, Vestry representative, choir participant (for when we can sing again), bible study participating, Sunday school/Child Care host, lector, prayer intercessor, etc. we hope to have every active group represented. For ministry leads, reach out to a vestry person to be sure that your ministry is represented. Fr. Peter+

The Nursery is Open: Mandy Sager will continue to staff the Nursery.

Annual Canon to the Ordinary Visit: Canon Anna will visit us on August 1, 2021.

Diocesan Education for Ministry (EFM) Class To Begin: Participates in the EFM program study the entire sweep of the Christian tradition from the earliest period to the present. Participants learn the disciplines of biblical study and interpretation, church history, ethics, and theology.
Conducted over FOUR years the program provides:
• Year One: The Hebrew Bible
• Year Two: The New Testament
• Year Three: Christian History
• Year Four: Theology, Ethics, and Interfaith Encounter
Participants are given weekly assignments to study with the help of resource guides and can expect to spend about 2 ½ hours each week in study and preparation. Through discussion and guided reflections, the online meetings furnish an opportunity to deepen understanding of the reading materials and development in theological reflection.
The program will commence Thursday, September 9 at 6:30pm. The cost is $375 per year payable annually for each year, and includes all books and course materials. If you are interested in finding out more, please email Derek Jones (Mentor) at derek147a@gmail.com and Marcia Traner (Co-Mentor) at marcia1112L@yahoo.com.


Salvation Army Information & Update: At the request of our volunteers, we have added another dinner service each month at the Salvation Army's Hope Harbor. In addition to the second Saturday and Tuesday, and the fourth Tuesday, we will now be adding dinner service on the first Monday each month. If you are interested in joining this important ministry to serve dinner at Hope Harbor on one or more of the dates available each month, please contact Kelly and/or Karen Olds by email and/or phone..

Shelf Stable Food Collections: In the future we will dedicate one Sunday of the month to be one where we can bring “Shelf Stable Food” items, including canned goods and items that do not spoil for a long shelf life. In the meantime if you have anything to donate now, you can bring your donations to the Krengel’s household at any time and drop it off on their porch. If you let Barbara know that you are coming, you can also enjoy an at-a-healthy-distance visit! The Krengel’s address is in our Church Directory, or phone the office if you need it. These Shelf Stable Foods will be donated from us to The Salvation Army.

Creation Care: Where can East & West, Republicans & Democrats, find the common ground needed to address climate change? How can industry and environmentalists work hand in hand? And how can local economies find opportunity in a lower emissions future? “OTHER SIDE OF THE HILL” is a new film that is available through Interfaith Power and Light for free individual viewing at home through July 25. This half-hour film features rural communities in eastern Oregon who have worked together to solve some of the problems brought on by climate change. To gain access to the film on your computer, go to: https://interfaithpowerandlight.salsalabs.org/trpfilm2021othersideofthehill/index.html and register your information. You will then receive a link to the film.
Lodi Access Center – As you know, we've invited parishioners to voice their support for the recently announced plan by the City of Lodi to create an Access Center and Low Barrier Shelter for unsheltered persons in our area. There is an urgent need for such a facility. Links to several City press releases, the proposed locations under consideration, and other background material can be found here: http://lodi.gov/1037/Lodi-Access-Center
We are excited about the potential opportunity to assist unsheltered persons in our community in this way. The City has requested letters of support from residents, local businesses, community based organizations, and local leaders to name a few. The letter should be in your own words and share your support of an Access Center in Lodi. The letters should be addressed to the City Council and can be emailed to NeighborhoodServices@lodi.gov and will be shared with Council at a later date during their closeout of the community engagement process. Thank you for considering this request! Dcn. Tom.

If you would like to donate to St. John’s, you can also give through GIVELIFY app. If you go to our website:
www.stjohnsoflodi.org On the right side of the page.
Put in Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist and indicate the amount of your gift and what is for, i.e. pledge, Easter Gift, rector/deacon discretionary, other, etc.).
Givelify App is available at:

7/22/2021 Monday Message -- July 19, 2021

Monday Message 

July 19, 2021  


Notes for this week:  Penny is away and will return on July 23.  We will regularly check the voicemail and emails, however there may be a delay in our response time.


News of a Passing: Lois Johnson, mother of Robin Knutson (our former organist, and spouse of Rev. Randy Knutson) died suddenly on the July 15th.  Service information (whether at St. John’s during/after our protocols, or elsewhere) will be passed along once it becomes available. May Lois rest in peace, and her soul rise in glory.


Our Calendar This Week:



Thursday Epistle – This email will deliver this week’s news, announcements, and Sunday’s bulletin. If you would like an article or reminder to go into the publication, please have it in to Penny before noon on Wednesday.   

Sunday July 25th, 9:30 a.m. Worship In Person & Live Stream – Our Sunday Eucharist commences, with Fr. Peter presiding and preaching along with Deacon Tom carrying out his responsibilities.  We continually enjoy visitors, and some new friends have recently begun regularly worshipping with us. As our community returns to in person worship, we encourage those who can, to join us. We still engage in some protocols – distanced sitting, no touching during the Peace, and Eucharist in one kind (wafer) only.  Though masks are not required, we are okay with your personal decision to where one or not.  For those who cannot be present, you may watch the live stream on our Facebook Page and the same recording will be loaded up to our YouTube Page later in the morning.

7/15/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, July 12, 2021
2021 07 15 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

7/12/2021 Monday Message

Monday Message
July 12, 2021
2021 07 12 Monday Message.docx

7/8/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
July 8, 2021
2021 07 08 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

7/6/2021 Tuesday Message from Fr. Peter

7/1/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
July 1, 2021
2021 07 01 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

6/28/2021 Monday Message, June 28, 2021

6/24/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
June 24, 2021
2021 06 24 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

6/21/2021 Monday Message, June 21, 2021

Monday Message
June 21, 2021

6/17/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
June 17, 2021
2021 06 17 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

6/14/2021 Monday Message - June 14, 2021

Monday Message
June 14, 2021
Monday Message 06142021.docx

6/10/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
June 10, 2021
2021 06 10 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

6/7/2021 Monday Message, June 7, 2021

Monday Message
June 7, 2021
2021 06 07 Monday Message 2.docx

6/3/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
June 3, 2021
2021 06 03 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

6/1/2021 Tuesday Message from Fr. Peter

Tuesday Message
June 1, 2021
2021 06 01 Tuesday Message.docx

5/27/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
May 27, 2021
2021 05 27 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

5/26/2021 Monday Message, May 24, 2021

Monday Message
Monday, May 24, 2021

5/20/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

The Thursday Weekly Epistle
May 20, 2021
2021 05 20 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

5/17/2021 Monday Message, May 17, 2021

Monday Message
May 17, 2021
2021 05 17 Monday Message.docx

5/13/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
May 13, 2021
2021 05 13 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

5/10/2021 Monday Message, May 10, 2021

Monday Message
May 10, 2021
2021 05 10 Monday Message.docx

5/6/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
May 6, 2021
2021 05 06 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

5/3/2021 Monday Message, May 3, 2021

Monday Message
May 3, 2021
2021 05 03 Monday Message.docx

4/26/2021 Monday Message, April 26, 2021

Monday Message
April 26, 2021
2021 04 26 Monday Message.docx

4/22/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, April 22, 2021
2021 04 22 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

4/15/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, April 15, 2021
2021 04 15 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

4/12/2021 Monday Message, April 12, 2021

Monday Message
April 12, 2021
2021 04 12 Monday Message.docx

4/8/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
April 8, 2021
2021 04 08 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

4/6/2021 Tuesday Message from Fr. Peter

Tuesday Message
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
2021 04 06 Tuesday Message.docx

4/1/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
April 1, 2021
2021 04 01 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

3/29/2021 Monday Message, March 29, 2021

Monday Message
March 29, 2021
2021 03 29 Monday Message.docx

3/25/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
March 25, 2021
2021 03 25 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

3/17/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle

3/15/2021 Monday Message, March 15, 2021

Monday Message
March 15, 2021
2021 03 15 Monday Message.docx

3/11/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
March 11, 2021
2021 03 11 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

3/8/2021 Monday Message, March 8, 20201

Monday Message
March 8, 2020
2021 03 07 Monday Message.docx

3/4/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
March 4, 2021
2021 03 04 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

3/1/2021 Monday Message March 1, 2021

Monday Message
March 1, 2021
2021 03 01 Monday Message.docx

2/25/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
February 25, 2021
2021 02 25 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

2/22/2021 Monday Message February 22, 2021

Monday Message
Monday, February 22, 2021
2021 02 22 Monday Message.docx

2/18/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
February 18, 2021
2021 02 18 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

2/15/2021 Monday Message, February 15, 2021

Monday Message
February 15, 2021
2021 02 15 Monday Message.docx

2/11/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
February 11, 2021
2021 02 11 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

2/8/2021 Monday Message, February 8, 2021

Monday Message
February 8, 2021
2021 02 08 Monday Message.docx

2/4/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
February 4, 2021
2021 02 04 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

2/1/2021 Monday Message, February 1, 2021

Monday Message
February 1, 2021
2021 02 01 Monday Message.docx

1/28/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
Thursday, January 28, 2021
2021 01 28 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

1/25/2021 Monday Message, January 25, 2021

Monday Message
January 25, 2021
2021 01 28 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

1/24/2021 Annual Meeting Agenda

Annual Meeting Agenda
Sunday, January 24 @ 10:30 am
2021 119th Annual Parish Meeting.docx

1/21/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
January 21, 2021
2021 01 21 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

1/18/2021 Monday Message, January 17, 2021

Monday Message
January 18, 2021

1/14/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

January 14, 2021
Thursday Weekly Epistle
2021 01 14 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

1/11/2021 Monday Message, January 11, 2021

Monday Message
Monday, January 11, 2021
2021 01 11 Monday Message.docx

1/7/2021 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
January 7, 2021
2021 01 07 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

1/4/2021 Monday Message, January 4, 2021

Monday Message
January 4, 2021
2021 01 04 Monday Message.docx

12/29/2020 Tuesday Message from Fr. Peter

Tuesday Message
December 29, 2020
2020 12 28 Tuesday Message.docx

12/23/2020 Monday Message, December 21, 2020

Monday Message
December 21, 2020
2020 12 21 Monday Message.docx

12/17/2020 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

December 17, 2020
Thursday Weekly Epistle
2020 12 17 Thursday Weekly Epistle .docx

12/14/2020 Monday Message, December 14, 2020

Monday Message
December 14, 2020
2020 12 14 Monday Message.docx

12/10/2020 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
December 10, 2020
2020 12 10 Thursday Weekly Epistle FINAL.docx

12/7/2020 Monday Message, December 7, 2020

Monday Message
December 7, 2020
2020 12 07 Monday Message.docx

12/3/2020 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday, December 3, 2020
Weekly Epistle
2020 12 03 Thursday Weekly Epistle Final.docx

11/30/2020 Monday Message, November 30, 2020

Monday Message
November 30, 2020
2020 11 30 Monday Message.docx

11/25/2020 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter
November 26, 2020
(sent out Wednesday, November 25, 2020)
2020 11 26 Thursday Weekly Epistle.docx

11/23/2020 Monday Message, November 23, 2020

Monday Message, November 23, 2020
2020 11 23 Monday Message.docx

11/19/2020 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle
November 19, 2020
2020 11 19 Thursday Weekly Epistle Final.docx

11/16/2020 Monday Message, November 16, 2020

Monday Message
November 16, 2020
2020 11 16 Monday Message Final.docx

11/12/2020 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle From Fr. Peter
2020 11 12 Thursday Weekly Epistle Final.docx

11/9/2020 Monday Message, November 9, 2020

Monday Message, November 9, 2020
2020 11 09 Monday Message.docx

11/5/2020 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter
2020 11 05 Thursday Weekly Epistle Final.docx

11/2/2020 Monday Message, November 2, 2020

Monday Message from Fr. Peter
Monday, November 2, 2020
2020 11 02 Monday Message.docx 

11/2/2020 October 29, 2020 Letter from the Bishop

 The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin
October 29, 2020 Letter from
The Rt. Rev'd. David C. Rice

10/29/2020 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter
Thursday, October 29, 2020
2020 10 29 Thursday Weekly Epistle Final.docx 

10/26/2020 Monday Message, October 26, 2020

Monday Message
October 26, 2020
2020 10 26 Monday Message.docx

10/22/2020 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

October 22, 2020
Thursday Weekly epistle from Fr. Peter
2020 10 22 Thursday Weekly Epistle Final.docx

10/19/2020 Monday Message, October 19, 2020

Monday Message
October 19, 2020
2020 10 19 Monday Message.docx

10/15/2020 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Thursday, October 15, 2020
Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter
2020 10 15 Thursday Weekly Epistle Final.docx

10/13/2020 Monday Message, October 12, 2020

2020 10 12 Monday Message.pdf

10/8/2020 October 8, 2020 Thursday Epistle

 October 8, 2020
Thursday, Weekly epistle from Fr. Peter
2020 10 011 Thursday Weekly Epistle Final.pdf
********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** *****

10/5/2020 Monday Message, October 5, 2020

Monday Message October 5, 2020

From Fr. Peter: Happy Monday! I am delighted to be back after my first real vacation in a few years (last year’s vacation time from by previous parish was used to move to Lodi)! Thank you to Deacon Tom, Senior Warden Karen Olds, our Vestry, and Penny our Administrator, for keeping our parish well during the past two weeks. All of these persons are blessings to our parish, and I can never thank them enough.
As you will read below, we have a full week ahead of us, and I hope you will join us in some of these activities, some parish specific, and others Diocesan. It is always an honor to have Bishop Rice with us, and though his visit will be virtual this year (see “Wednesday”) I encourage everyone to join on that Zoom meeting to welcome him and Canon Anna, to pray together, and chat! Finally, Marie, Harry and I were filled with joy when we heard about this Sunday’s anniversary drive through (See “Sunday”). Marie, Harry and I look forward to saying “hello” to one and all!

This Week…..

TUESDAY Bible Study Continues Tuesday 10:00 a.m. on Zoom– The dive into and through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians will continue this Tuesday, 10/6. We will go through Chapter 5: verses 21-33. All are invited whether you have been a part of the course thus far or not.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 896 6360 9812
Passcode: 1055

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,89663609812#,,,,,,0#,,1055# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,89663609812#,,,,,,0#,,1055# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 896 6360 9812
Passcode: 1055

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd4S8dQU0K

Wednesday October 7, 7:00 p.m. : Bishop and Canon Evening Prayer and Visitation for St. John’s Lodi, via Zoom! - Fr. Peter encourages all parishioners, either by telephone or computer to join Bishop Rice and Canon Anna who will lead us in Evening Prayer at 7:00 PM. Following Evening Prayer, 7:30-8:15 pm, the Bishop and Canon will share in discussion about the current state of the diocese and respond to questions. Here is the Zoom link for the evening : Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 0947 2172
Password: 749593

One tap mobile
+14086380968,,87409472172# US (San Jose)

THURSDAY October 8 – The St. John’s Weekly “Epistle” – Our Weekly Communication. Articles for this week’s Epistle should be received by Penny by Wednesday noon.

FRIDAY Noonday Prayer on Our Facebook Page - At noon, merely go to “Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist, Lodi, CA Facebook Page” and there will stream Fr. Peter’s brief Friday service of Noonday Prayer, beginning on page 103 in The Book of Common Prayer (you can still follow along without one).

Saturday October 10th - Deanery Day (We are Northern 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.) - Deanery Day Message! As published in the Friday Reflection last week, we hope you will all share this important information regarding deanery day! Bishop David, Canon Anna and others will present information for Diocesan Convention. We will hear about resolutions and the budget for 2021! Clergy and convention delegates are required to attend. Wardens, treasurers, and other leaders are encouraged to join as well (parishioners can observe, as well)!

Join the Zoom meeting HERE

Meeting ID: 863 0770 8543
Passcode: 586377

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,86307708543# US (San Jose)

If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, and would like to test it out beforehand, please contact Rev. Angela (dioadmin@diosanjoaquin.org). Peace, The Rev. Angela Lerena; The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin; Diocesan Administrator.

Sunday Worship, October 11, at 9:30 a.m., with Coffee Hour Immediately Following: Meet our Seminarian – Our Thursday Epistle will direct you to where to view our pre-recorded Sunday worship service on our Facebook and YouTube Pages. There will be a Zoom link provided for the Coffee Hour afterwards. At the latter you will have an opportunity to meet Jessica Harmon, our seminarian intern who will is doing her Field Education with us, virtually, from the East Coast!

Sunday Afternoon 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.: LIVE Happy 1ST Year Anniversary to Fr. Peter Drive Thru! Can you believe that October 13, 2020, marks the one-year anniversary for Fr. Peter as our Rector! Please jump in your car and come to church to participate in a drive through appreciation for Fr. Peter. Wave, smile, shout your appreciation of Fr. Peter as you drive through the church parking lot where Fr. Peter and family will be waiting to see you. We will have someone collecting cards and feel free to add a monetary gift for Fr. Peter. Thank you. Karen Olds (626) 716-4192 Cell

10/1/2020 Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

October 1, 2020
Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Fr. Peter is away on vacation and will return on Sunday October 4 when he will bless our animals at the Coffee Hour following the Cathedral of St. James Worship Service at 10am.

Happy 1 Year Anniversary, Fr. Peter!
Can you believe that October 13, 2020, marks the one year anniversary for Fr. Peter as our Rector! Can you believe that for almost eight of those months Fr. Peter has served as our "Virtual" Priest! Imagine answering a call to serve at St. John's in Lodi, CA, moving your family across country, and then being able to interact with the parishioners for a four month period before being forced to shelter in place because of COVID-19. Do you have any idea how hard it must be to serve a congregation you can't see for the next eight months and still counting? It's time we, as the people Fr. Peter has served so well this past year, let him know how much we appreciate his service to us. Please jump in your car and come to church on

Sunday, October 11, 2020, between
1:00 pm and 2:00 pm

to participate in a drive through appreciation for Fr. Peter. Wave, smile, shout your appreciation of Fr. Peter as you drive through the church parking lot where Fr. Peter and family will be waiting to see you. We will have someone collecting cards and feel free to add a monetary gift for Fr. Peter. Thank you. Karen Olds (626) 716-4192 Cell


FRIDAY Noonday Prayer on Hiatus - This service will continue on Friday October 9th, after Fr. Peter returns from vacation.

Sunday Memorials/Thanksgivings/Celebrations FOR October 4: Walter & Barbara Wolterstorff in celebration of their wedding anniversary on Oct 1. Lois Johnson and the Knutson family in loving memory of Garland Johnson, her husband and their father and grandfather for his birthday, Oct 5


First Sunday of the Month Worship with the Virtual Cathedral of St. James Fresno, at 10:00a.m. via our Facebook and YouTube pages: Please access the bulletin and feed from the Cathedral of St. James, Fresno California YouTube page. The service will also be streamed to our Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist Facebook and YouTube Pages. Virtual Pet Blessing at our Virtual Coffee Hour –Immediately after, at our Coffee Hour we invite participants to have any pets handy to be blessed. Additionally you can email pet information to Deacon Tom at - deacontom2020@gmail.com – your pet’s name, what type of animal/breed is she or he, as well as a photo if you have it. We will use our coffee hour time to share our pets, and Fr. Peter will bless each!

Sunday Virtual Coffee Hour! Coffee Hour for Sunday October 4 – Virtual Pet Blessing at our Virtual Coffee Hour Following the 10:00 am service:

Computer: https://zoom.us/j/93073195951?pwd=NTZLYm5WRDIwVHltb2pEdzU1OE5kUT09

Meeting ID: 930 7319 5951
Password: 1055

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,93073195951#,,#,1055# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,93073195951#,,#,1055# US (Houston)
Telephone: +1 301 715 8592 US
+1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 930 7319 5951
Password: 1055

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ad9wX8LY7r

Our Current Member Birthdays and Anniversaries for October (send them a card, make a call, and say a prayer!)
Birthdays for October Anniversaries for October

Birthdays for October    Anniversaries for October
1 Mark Weiss                                                        1 Barbara & Walter Wolterstorff
2 Norma Gaston                                                      Sandie & Richard Stevens
3 Jack Cook      13 Jennifer & Martin Gaston
4 Dick Williams
   David Diekman
5 Patrice Tait
8 Harry Ackerman
9 Peter Burkett
11 Kourtney Ford
12 Katie Kendall
     Bri Stevens
18 Joey Soria
21 Austin Bronson
23 Rosemary Cress
28 Marlene Roa
     Joyce Petrotta

Diocese to Review Reopening Stages - As you may recall from a few weeks ago, Fr. Peter initiated a conversation with the Bishop’s office around the idea of allowing for outdoor worship and/or aligning the Diocesan steps towards reopening with that of the State of California’s color coded steps. Fr. Peter and other members of the Reopening Stages Working Group are meeting with the Bishop next Tuesday evening. Should there be any changes; those will first need to be approved by two Diocesan committees. Fr. Peter believes that if there is positive movement toward carefully gathering in person, socially distanced, smaller worship groups that due to the necessary contributions and affirmations of Diocesan Council and Standing Committee, that said changes would come to pass sometime after October 11th. Please stay tuned to our parish communications where you will hear updates and plans as they evolve.
Virtual Bishop’s Visit – Wednesday October 7th 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm “Save the Date" – Bishop Rice and Canon Anna will join us (the Vestry and congregation) for a chance to pray together, check in and hear from the Bishop. We'll begin with Evening Prayer at 7:00 PM. Following Evening Prayer, 7:30-8:15 pm, the Bishop and Canon will share in discussion about the current state of the diocese and respond to questions. Here is the Zoom link for the evening : Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 0947 2172
Password: 749593

One tap mobile
+14086380968,,87409472172# US (San Jose)

Deanery Day Message! As published in the Friday Reflection last week, we hope you will all share this important information regarding deanery day! Deanery day will be similar to the spring deanery day. Bishop David, Canon Anna and others will present information for Diocesan Convention. We will hear about resolutions and the budget for 2021! Clergy and convention delegates are required to attend. Wardens, treasurers, and other leaders are encouraged to join as well!

This is Saturday, October 10th:
Southern Deanery | 9-11 AM
Central Deanery | 12-2 PM
Northern Deanery | 3-5 PM

Join the Zoom meeting HERE

Meeting ID: 863 0770 8543
Passcode: 586377

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,86307708543# US (San Jose)

If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, and would like to test it out beforehand, please contact Rev. Angela (dioadmin@diosanjoaquin.org). Peace, The Rev. Angela Lerena; The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin; Diocesan Administrator

Sacred Ground – Session #1 Eleven members of St. John’s have committed to 10 months of study on the racial injustices in this country, through a program of The Episcopal Church called Sacred Ground. It turns out that the starting point for healing the divisions – racial, economic, political - is knowing ourselves and what assumptions we have about what it means to be American. Using the film American Creed to focus our discussions, we explored ways people are striving to overcome their differences. (You can view the whole film, free, at www.americancreed.org/watch ) And we came away with hope: hope from seeing the miracle that happens when we come together one-on-one, heart-to-heart. When we find a balance between American individualism and watching out for each other, of valuing the importance of not leaving others behind. When we recognize our mutual freedom comes hand-in-hand with mutual obligation.

When immigrants become citizens, they take a naturalization oath. What would it be like if all Americans took a similar oath now – kind of like a renewal of baptismal vows, but for the country? Through this film, we were introduced to the “Sworn-Again America” Oath, developed by Citizen University as a way “for every one of us to experience the urgency, the solemnity, yet also the utter joy of choosing citizenship actively.” At the end of our first Sacred Ground study session, we took the oath together. Until we can work out a safe way to invite everyone at St. John’s, and everyone in Lodi, to come together to renew our common commitment to America, we invite you to read the oath, and affirm it in your heart:

Sworn-Again America Oath
I pledge to be an active American
to show up for others
to govern my self
to help govern my community
I recommit myself to my country’s creed
to cherish liberty as a responsibility
I pledge to serve and to push my country
when right, to be kept right;
when wrong to be set right
Wherever my ancestors and I were born
I claim America
and I pledge to live like a citizen (Submitted by Andee Zetterbaum)

Creation Care Team Did you know that single use water bottles are the biggest source of plastic trash in the world? If you are using single use water bottles at home you might consider having a bottled water delivery service. Two such services in Lodi are:
Aero Pure Water (209) 333-9200
All Pure Water (209) 224-5898.
When walking or going to a picnic try using refillable metal water bottles.

Tip 1 Buy less plastic packaging and buy in bulk instead.
Tip 2 Choose products with environmentally friendly wrappers (e.g. kitty litter in cardboard boxes).

Reduce your carbon footprint by converting a part of your back lawn into a vegetable garden. Your Creation Care Team members are: Barbara Krengel, Charlene Martin, Cheryl Nix, Derek Jones, Elaine Sager, Hennie Van Konynenburg, Marcia Traner and Tom Hampson. any questions you might have to: derek147a@gmail.com

Are You Going to Pledge This Year? Upon my return from vacation we will begin our Financial Stewardship Pledge Drive for 2021. Pledging is a spiritual practice. It is not one where we control what happens or the outcome. It is where we gift God, out of a place of gratefulness and thanksgiving for what God has done, and turn it over to God for God’s purposes and use in our parish. How does this happen? Pledges are promises. Marie and I “promise” what we will give in 2021. The Vestry takes those promises and computes them and comes up with our budget. Out of that budget we know before January 1, if we can afford to pay our mortgage, our staff members, office supplies, our “assessment” to the Diocese (think of this as the parish as The Body of Christ giving to the larger church), and more. A free will gift, or directed giving is not a pledge…that kind of generosity with its control removes it from God’s hands as prayerfully discerned by your Vestry whom you vote for in order to engage in this hard kind of business/spiritual work. Because we are an Episcopal Church and follow the rules of our denomination an item that comes in as a pledge for 2021 will be unencumbered, unassigned, and treated as pledges are supposed to be; under the God guided direction of leadership into a budget that the congregation will review in January 2021 at our Annual Meeting. In the past our parish was out of step with the expected norm of the wider church, and though understandable, I take my ordained promise to obey my bishop, serve my parish, and uphold the rules of our denomination seriously. So, what may seem new to some in our parish, is actually how Episcopal churches are supposed to function in regarding pledges. This is why Vestry service is so important and not to be taken lightly. I pray that you will join me, as I do every year, carefully consider your pledge, consider raising it (Marie and I raise ours each year), and then give it over to God. This type of unencumbered giving is what makes a pledge into a faith practice. I invite you this season to give, to be generous, and to join me in pledging faithfully. When we do so, just watch what God does in return for, and on behalf of St. John’s Lodi!

A Note From Your Treasurer: St. John’s financial responsibilities continue each month and we depend on your pledges to meet them. We would like to thank those who kept up on their pledges over the Summer and remind those who let their pledges slip to please bring them up to date. You may choose to mail in a check or use our new Givlify app to send in your payment.


Gospel of Mark Class with Friend of the Parish - Father Tom Bonacci - Tuesday (October 6) from 10:30am - 12:00noon. If you are interested in attending please contact our parishioner Andee Z at azetterb@aol.com to reserve your space.

Tuesday Class 10:30 a.m. – Bible Study through Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians (one hour/session) – Every Tuesday until it concludes, Fr. Peter will facilitate a shared learning experience using this Epistle from Paul. (NOTE THERE WILL BE NO CLASS ON 9/22 AND 9/29). There is no need to read ahead of time, just come to any class on Tuesday and join in.

Covid Kit Making for Field Workers- The Stockton group in charge of this project has added new dates for assembling mask kits and are in need of volunteers. Dates and times are listed below. We will be meeting at Stockton Unified School District, 701 N Madison St., Stockton, CA 95202. We will be set-up inside the air-conditioned board room. You will need to push button at entrance to be let in. Just let them know you are there for the masking campaign. The entrance to the parking is the gate off of Flora St. Please contact Monica Gamboa at the number below to volunteer.

• Monday October 5th – 9:00am – 12:00pm
• Monday October 5th – 1:00 – 4:00pm
• Tuesday October 6th - 9:00am – 12:00pm
• Tuesday October 6th - 1:00 – 4:00pm
• Wednesday October 7th - 9:00am – 12:00pm
• Wednesday October 7th - 1:00 – 4:00pm

Once again, thank you for volunteering your time to help us in this great effort to keep San Joaquin County safe.

Monica Gamboa, Health Education & Outreach Coordinator
Community Health, Dignity Health, St. Joseph's Medical Center
1800 N. California St.; Stockton, Ca. 95204
(209) 461-5142 Direct, Monica.Gamboa@dignityhealth.org

Participation with No Children Left Hungry Continues - The Parishioners of St. John's have been incredibly generous in contributing to our food outreach to children and seniors during this difficult time. We have made one large purchase of shelf stable food which was given to the No Children left Hungry program and special fruits for the seniors. In between time we have been delivering milk, bread and eggs to the shut-in seniors so they have some fresh food. We will be making another large purchase this next week to share with those in need. We give thanks to God for all that He blesses us with so that we may share with others! Cheryl Nix, Pat Fehling

Great Plates Senior Meals Program: The Great Plates program has extended again until October 9th. Seniors call the Loel Center and get three delicious meals everyday for FREE. Meals are provided by The Dancing Fox, Lodi Beer Co, Julias, and The Brickhouse. Annual income has to be below $75,000.During the COVID-19 crisis, Lodi area restaurants are helping, through volunteers by delivering three meals per day to qualifying seniors (age 65 and above, as well as certain ages for those affected directly by the COVID-19 Virus). If you want more information and/or to apply to benefit from this ministry, please reach out to the LOEL Senior Center by calling 209-369-1591.
Interested in Being A Reader for A Sunday Service? If you would like to participate in the Morning Prayer service offered each Sunday, please contact Penny at the Church Office. You can email: stjohnslodi@sbcglobal.net or call 209-369-3381. After confirming a date with Penny, Fr. Peter or Dcn. Tom will send you the information you need to participate. It is a great way to stay connected and participate.


Monday Message September 28, 2020

Fr. Peter is away on vacation and will return on Sunday October 4 when he will bless our animals at the Coffee Hour following the Cathedral of St. James Worship Service at 10am.

Happy 1 Year Anniversary, Fr. Peter!
Can you believe that October 13, 2020, marks the one year anniversary for Fr. Peter as our Rector! Can you believe that for almost eight of those months Fr. Peter has served as our "Virtual" Priest! Imagine answering a call to serve at St. John's in Lodi, CA, moving your family across country, and then being able to interact with the parishioners for a four month period before being forced to shelter in place because of COVID-19. Do you have any idea how hard it must be to serve a congregation you can't see for the next eight months and still counting? It's time we, as the people Fr. Peter has served so well this past year, let him know how much we appreciate his service to us. Please jump in your car and come to church on

Sunday, October 11, 2020, between
1:00 pm and 2:00 pm

to participate in a drive through appreciation for Fr. Peter. Wave, smile, shout your appreciation of Fr. Peter as you drive through the church parking lot where Fr. Peter and family will be waiting to see you. We will have someone collecting cards and feel free to add a monetary gift for Fr. Peter. Thank you. Karen Olds (626) 716-4192 Cell

TUESDAY Bible Study On Hiatus– The dive into and through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians will continue on 10/6 when Fr. Peter return from vacation.

THURSDAY October 1 – The St. John’s Weekly “Epistle” – Our Weekly Communication. Articles for this week’s Epistle should be received by Penny by Wednesday noon.

FRIDAY Noonday Prayer on Hiatus - This service will continue on Friday October 9th, after Fr. Peter returns from vacation.

CATHEDRAL OF ST. JAMES SERVICE Sunday, October 4, at 10:00 a.m. and Virtual Pet Blessing at our Virtual Coffee Hour – That morning we will celebrate St. Francis Day with the Cathedral of St. James, Fresno service. Immediately after, at our Coffee Hour we invite participants to have any pets handy to be blessed. Additionally you can email pet information to Deacon Tom at - deacontom2020@gmail.com – your pet’s name, what type of animal/breed is she or he, as well as a photo if you have it. We will use our coffee hour time to share our pets, and Fr. Peter will bless each!

Our Current Member Birthdays and Anniv. for October (will be repeated in Thursday Epistle).

Birthdays for October Anniversaries for October

Our Current Member Birthdays and Anniv. for October (will be repeated in Thursday Epistle).

Birthdays for October
     Anniversaries for October
1 Mark Weiss       1    Barbara & Walter Wolterstorff
2 Norma Gaston                  Sandie & Richard Stevens
3 Jack Cook         13 Jennifer & Martin Gaston
4 Dick Williams
   David Diekman
5 Patrice Tait
8 Harry Ackerman
9 Peter Burkett
11 Kourtney Ford
12 Katie Kendal
     Bri Stevens
18 Joey Soria
21 Austin Bronson
23 Rosemary Cress
28 Marlene Roa
    Joyce Petrotta

9/24/2020 September 24, 2020 Thursday Epistle

September 24, 2020
Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Fr. Peter is away on vacation and will return on Sunday October 4 when he will bless our animals at the Coffee Hour following the Cathedral of St. James Worship Service at 10am.


FRIDAY Noonday Prayer on Hiatus - This service will continue on Friday October 9th, after Fr. Peter returns from vacation.

Thanksgivings and Birthdays and Anniversaries!

Sunday Memorials/Thanksgivings/Celebrations FOR September 27 Linda Harkins & Lisa Ayers in loving memory of husband & father, Jack on his birthday, Sept 29


SUNDAY Morning Prayer Worship September 27 – Episcopal Church St. John the Baptist Facebook and YouTube Pages, 9:30 a.m. - Gather ‘round the young ones and/or get in touch with the child of God within you, as we present our second, last Sunday of the month, children’s themed service. NOTE: BECAUSE MANY OF OUR PARTICIPANTS RECORDED THEIR READINGS FROM HOME, THE BULLETIN WILL NOT BE UP FOR THE WHOLE SERVICE, ESPECIALLY DURING THE READINGS. SO, PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE BULLETIN ATTACHED TO THIS EPISTLE ONTO ANOTHER DEVICE, OR PRINT IT OUT, IF YOU WANT TO FOLLOW ALONG 100% OF THE TIME. (a bulletin is attached to this email) and look to gather together for our coffee hour on Zoom. The Best option for Worship is to go to the YouTube page (www.youtube.com) . Once you are in YouTube use the internal search bar to locate “Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist Lodi CA” and you will see the latest video as the page comes up. Second best option is to do the same on our similarly named Facebook Page. For the Coffee Hour link, see the information later in this Epistle.

Sunday Virtual Coffee Hour! Coffee Hour Question for Sunday September 27 – “What's a family custom or artifact that's been passed down to you?” Following the 9:30 am service:

Computer: https://zoom.us/j/93073195951?pwd=NTZLYm5WRDIwVHltb2pEdzU1OE5kUT09

Meeting ID: 930 7319 5951
Password: 1055

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,93073195951#,,#,1055# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,93073195951#,,#,1055# US (Houston)
Telephone: +1 301 715 8592 US
+1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 930 7319 5951
Password: 1055
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ad9wX8LY7r

Frank Pegg Laid to Rest - Last Friday, in a private ceremony attended by his family, Frank Pegg’s cremains were interred along side his wife Joyce, in their columbarium space located inside our historic chapel. Fr. Peter invited the family to share their memories in a word or phrase, and it will surprise no one that “loving,” “fun,” “follower of rules and regulations,” were some of what was shared. The family was happy to put him to rest, and looks forward to joining with the congregation of St. John’s for a memorial service at a future date. For those who might want to make a visit to pay their respects to Frank, please phone the church office to make arrangements to do so.

The Rev. George Ross If you are interested in reading Fr. Ross’ obituary, please follow the link below. George Crawford Lauren Ross; December 22, 1929 - August 29, 2020; Resident of Woodbridge

Are You Going to Pledge This Year? Upon my return from vacation we will begin our Financial Stewardship Pledge Drive for 2021. Pledging is a spiritual practice. It is not one where we control what happens or the outcome. It is where we gift God, out of a place of gratefulness and thanksgiving for what God has done, and turn it over to God for God’s purposes and use in our parish. How does this happen? Pledges are promises. Marie and I “promise” what we will give in 2021. The Vestry takes those promises and computes them and comes up with our budget. Out of that budget we know before January 1, if we can afford to pay our mortgage, our staff members, office supplies, our “assessment” to the Diocese (think of this as the parish as The Body of Christ giving to the larger church), and more. A free will gift, or directed giving is not a pledge…that kind of generosity with its control removes it from God’s hands as prayerfully discerned by your Vestry whom you vote for in order to engage in this hard kind of business/spiritual work. Because we are an Episcopal Church and follow the rules of our denomination an item that comes in as a pledge for 2020 will be unencumbered, unassigned, and treated as pledges are supposed to be; under the God guided direction of leadership into a budget that the congregation will review in January 2021 at our Annual Meeting. In the past our parish was out of step with the expected norm of the wider church, and though understandable, I take my ordained promise to obey my bishop, serve my parish, and uphold the rules of our denomination seriously. So, what may seem new to some in our parish, is actually how Episcopal churches are supposed to function in regarding pledges. This is why Vestry service is so important and not to be taken lightly. I pray that you will join me, as I do every year, carefully consider your pledge, consider raising it (Marie and I raise ours each year), and then give it over to God. This type of unencumbered giving is what makes a pledge into a faith practice. I invite you this season to give, to be generous, and to join me in pledging faithfully. When we do so, just watch what God does in return for, and on behalf of St. John’s Lodi!

Open Conversation Regarding Easement Question - Last Sunday about a dozen people in total gathered via zoom to talk about the granting of an easement to a developer at the far West border of St. John’s property. Fr. Peter opened with a brief reflection and prayer and then our Senior Warden, Karen Olds, entertained questions that were brought forth by those who attended. Our fellow parishioner Dick Williams, who serves on the Land Committee contributed some clarifying historical facts along the way. Those included questions around the size of the underground easement (15 feet), to the current state of the church’s mortgage, as well as the reason why we hired an appraiser (so that we understand our land’s worth). The Vestry, Land Committee, and Diocese will venture carefully into deliberations around the easement As Fr. Peter noted, this easement question is separate from one that will be discussed further with the congregation down the road, if a party who has shown interested in purchasing some of our land continues to inquire. We are certainly in a good and healthy place right now, and your responses are important for us to hear. Your vestry takes seriously their mission to represent you in matters such as considering easements, and we are grateful for those who entered into the conversion with us. If you were unable to attend and want to view a tape of the session, please email Karen Olds and she will send you a link. Karen Olds (626) 716-4192 Cell

Creation Care Team Your Creation Care Team is now formed and is ready to provide you with helpful information to give you the opportunity to assist in caring for “this fragile earth, our island home (BCP).” Your Creation Care Team members are: Barbara Krengel, Charlene Martin, Cheryl Nix, Derek Jones, Elaine Sager, Hennie Van Konynenburg, Marcia Traner and Tom Hampson. We look forward to sending you helpful information and we also welcome your ideas of ways to positively impact our environment. You can send your ideas, as well as any questions you might have to: derek147a@gmail.com

Participation with No Children Left Hungry Continues - The Parishioners of St. John's have been incredibly generous in contributing to our food outreach to children and seniors during this difficult time. We have made one large purchase of shelf stable food which was given to the No Children left Hungry program and special fruits for the seniors. In between time we have been delivering milk, bread and eggs to the shut-in seniors so they have some fresh food. We will be making another large purchase this next week to share with those in need. We give thanks to God for all that He blesses us with so that we may share with others! Cheryl Nix, Pat Fehling

Salvation Army Lunch, Drive through Fundraiser on Sept 26 - On September 26th, for just a pre-purchase of $12 you can obtain a tri-tip sandwich and potato salad side from the Salvation Army. First, buy your lunch tickets from LodiLunch.org and Second, on September 26 between 12noon and 2pm, bring your receipt to the Salvation Army location art 525 West Lockeford Street, Lodi CA 95240 and you will be given your lunch to go. Safe and socially distancing you can support a good cause.

Covid Kit Making for Field Workers- The Stockton group in charge of this project has added new dates for assembling mask kits and are in need of volunteers. Dates and times are listed below. We will be meeting at Stockton Unified School District, 701 N Madison St., Stockton, CA 95202. We will be set-up inside the air-conditioned board room. You will need to push button at entrance to be let in. Just let them know you are there for the masking campaign. The entrance to the parking is the gate off of Flora St. Please contact Monica Gamboa at the number below to volunteer.

• Monday October 5th – 9:00am – 12:00pm
• Monday October 5th – 1:00 – 4:00pm
• Tuesday October 6th - 9:00am – 12:00pm
• Tuesday October 6th - 1:00 – 4:00pm
• Wednesday October 7th - 9:00am – 12:00pm
• Wednesday October 7th - 1:00 – 4:00pm

Once again, thank you for volunteering your time to help us in this great effort to keep San Joaquin County safe.

Monica Gamboa, Health Education & Outreach Coordinator
Community Health, Dignity Health, St. Joseph's Medical Center
1800 N. California St.; Stockton, Ca. 95204
(209) 461-5142 Direct, Monica.Gamboa@dignityhealth.org

Virtual Pet Blessing! Sunday October 4 at our Virtual Coffee Hour – That morning we will celebrate St. Francis Day with the Cathedral of St. James, Fresno service. Immediately after, at our Coffee Hour we invite participants to have any pets handy to be blessed. Additionally you can email pet information to Deacon Tom at - deacontom2020@gmail.com – your pet’s name, what type of animal/breed is she or he, as well as a photo if you have it. We will use our coffee hour time to share our pets, and Fr. Peter will bless each!

A Note From Your Treasurer: St. John’s financial responsibilities continue each month and we depend on your pledges to meet them. We would like to thank those who kept up on their pledges over the Summer and remind those who let their pledges slip to please bring them up to date. You may choose to mail in a check or use our new Givlify app to send in your payment.

Interested in Being A Reader for A Sunday Service? If you would like to participate in the Morning Prayer service offered each Sunday, please contact Penny at the Church Office. You can email: stjohnslodi@sbcglobal.net or call 209-369-3381. After confirming a date with Penny, Fr. Peter or Dcn. Tom will send you the information you need to participate. It is a great way to stay connected and participate.

Virtual Bishop’s Visit – Wednesday October 7th 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm “Save the Date" – Bishop Rice and Canon Anna will join us (the Vestry and congregation) for a chance to pray together, check in and hear from the Bishop. We'll begin with Evening Prayer at 7:00 PM. Following Evening Prayer, 7:30-8:15 pm, the Bishop and Canon will share in discussion about the current state of the diocese and respond to questions. Here is the Zoom link for the evening : Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 0947 2172
Password: 749593

One tap mobile
+14086380968,,87409472172# US (San Jose)


Gospel of Mark Class with Friend of the Parish - Father Tom Bonacci - Tuesdays (Sept 15, 22, 29, and October 6) from 10:30am - 12:00noon. If you are interested in attending please contact our parishioner Andee Z at azetterb@aol.com to reserve your space.

Tuesday Class 10:30 a.m. – Bible Study through Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians (one hour/session) – Every Tuesday until it concludes, Fr. Peter will facilitate a shared learning experience using this Epistle from Paul. (NOTE THERE WILL BE NO CLASS ON 9/22 AND 9/29). There is no need to read ahead of time, just come to any class on Tuesday and join in.

Great Plates Senior Meals Program: The Great Plates program has extended again until October 9th. Seniors call the Loel Center and get three delicious meals everyday for FREE. Meals are provided by The Dancing Fox, Lodi Beer Co, Julias, and The Brickhouse. Annual income has to be below $75,000.During the COVID-19 crisis, Lodi area restaurants are helping, through volunteers by delivering three meals per day to qualifying seniors (age 65 and above, as well as certain ages for those affected directly by the COVID-19 Virus). If you want more information and/or to apply to benefit from this ministry, please reach out to the LOEL Senior Center by calling 209-369-1591.

9/21/2020 Monday Message, September 21, 2020

Monday Message September 21, 2020

Fr. Peter is away on vacation and will return on Sunday October 4 when he will bless our animals at the Coffee Hour following the Cathedral of St. James Worship Service at 10am.

TUESDAY Bible Study On Hiatus– The dive into and through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians will continue on 10/6 when Fr. Peter return from vacation.

THURSDAY September 17 – The St. John’s Weekly “Epistle” – Our Weekly Communication. Articles for this week’s Epistle should be received by Penny by Wednesday noon.

FRIDAY Noonday Prayer on Hiatus - This service will continue on Friday October 9th, after Fr. Peter returns from vacation.

SUNDAY Morning Prayer Worship September 27 – Episcopal Church St. John the Baptist Facebook and Youtube Pages, 9:30 a.m. - Gather ‘round the young ones and/or get in touch with the child of God within you, as we preset our second, last Sunday of the month, children’s themed service Links to the Service will be provided in our Thursday Epistle.

9/17/2020 September 17, 2020 Thursday Epistle

September 17, 2020
Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter
Dear Friends,

As advertised, Bishop Rice asked his clergy to take vacations. I have not been fully away from my duties since right before I began almost one year ago, Thus I will be off for two consecutive weeks beginning this Sunday, September 20th. I will return at our Coffee Hour on October 4th to bless any pets we either bring to screen or mentioned via email to Deacon Tom (see reminder about this below). Please pray for Marie and me as we have some “getaway time” within the two weeks, for Harry when he watches over the home, and know that you remain our prayers. Sabbath is one of my favorite topics to teach about, and to live by example! May these two weeks be a peaceful, restful, and restorative one for all of us, as God counted to invite us into partnership to heal our world.

Sincerely, Fr. Peter+

Friday Noonday Prayer – Friday’s 12noon you can catch Noonday Prayer on our Facebook Page (Episcopal Church of Saint John the Baptist, Lodi CA). Though you do not need the words to enjoy the worship, you can either turn to page 103 in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer or access the pages from this computer link: https://www.bcponline.org/DailyOffice/noonday.html

Thanksgivings and Birthdays and Anniversaries!

Sunday Memorials/Thanksgivings/Celebrations FOR September 20 Beth & Jim Elwood in loving memory of Jim’s mother Mary Elwood & Beth’s father Darwin Lindsley & her brother in law, David Ferry. Kathy & Pete Girard in loving memory of Pete’s father, Jerry Girard, for his September birthday

Please join us on Sunday for worship, at 9:30a.m. via our Facebook and YouTube pages, (a bulletin is attached to this email) and look to gather together for our coffee hour on Zoom. The Best option for Worship is to go to the YouTube page (www.youtube.com) . Once you are in YouTube use the internal search bar to locate “Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist Lodi CA” and you will see the latest video as the page comes up. Second best option is to do the same on our similarly named Facebook Page. For the Coffee Hour link, see the information later in this Epistle.

Sunday Virtual Coffee Hour! Coffee Hour Question for Sunday September 20 – “tell us about some piece of nature that you nurtured, like a plant, or an experience where you witnessed the beauty of someone’s care to nature.” Following the 9:30 am service:

Computer: https://zoom.us/j/93073195951?pwd=NTZLYm5WRDIwVHltb2pEdzU1OE5kUT09

Meeting ID: 930 7319 5951
Password: 1055

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+1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 930 7319 5951
Password: 1055
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ad9wX8LY7r


Open Conversation Regarding Easement Question - Last Sunday about a dozen people in total gathered via zoom to talk about the granting of an easement to a developer at the far West border of St. John’s property. Fr. Peter opened with a brief reflection and prayer and then our Senior Warden, Karen Olds, entertained questions that were brought forth by those who attended. Our fellow parishioner Dick Williams, who serves on the Land Committee contributed some clarifying historical facts along the way. Those included questions around the size of the underground easement (15 feet), to the current state of the church’s mortgage, as well as the reason why we hired an appraiser (so that we understand our land’s worth). The Vestry, Land Committee, and Diocese will venture carefully into deliberations around the easement As Fr. Peter noted, this easement question is separate from one that will be discussed further with the congregation down the road, if a party who has shown interested in purchasing some of our land continues to inquire. We are certainly in a good and healthy place right now, and your responses are important for us to hear. Your vestry takes seriously their mission to represent you in matters such as considering easements, and we are grateful for those who entered into the conversion with us. If you were unable to attend and want to view a tape of the session, please email Karen Olds and she will send you a link. Karen Olds (626) 716-4192 Cell

Creation Care Team Your Creation Care Team is now formed and is ready to provide you with helpful information to give you the opportunity to assist in caring for “this fragile earth, our island home (BCP).” Your Creation Care Team members are: Barbara Krengel, Charlene Martin, Cheryl Nix, Derek Jones, Elaine Sager Hennie Van Konynenburg, Marcia Traner, Tom Hampson. We look forward to sending you helpful information and we also welcome your ideas of ways to positively impact our environment. You can send your ideas, as well as any questions you might have to: derek147a@gmail.com

HELPFUL HINT Did you know that Dart Containers, 1400 E. Victor Road, Lodi recycles foam food service containers, foam cups, foam plates, foam clamshells and shaped or molded foam packaging? They are open from Monday through Friday, 8.30 a.m. -4.30 p.m. Their telephone number is 209-333-8088.

A Note From Your Treasurer: St. John’s financial responsibilities continue each month and we depend on your pledges to meet them. We would like to thank those who kept up on their pledges over the Summer and remind those who let their pledges slip to please bring them up to date. You may choose to mail in a check or use our new Givlify app to send in your payment.

Participation with No Children Left Hungry Continues - The Parishioners of St. John's have been incredibly generous in contributing to our food outreach to children and seniors during this difficult time. We have made one large purchase of shelf stable food which was given to the No Children left Hungry program and special fruits for the seniors. In between time we have been delivering milk, bread and eggs to the shut-in seniors so they have some fresh food. We will be making another large purchase this next week to share with those in need. We give thanks to God for all that He blesses us with so that we may share with others! Cheryl Nix, Pat Fehling

Salvation Army Lunch, Drive through Fundraiser on Sept 26 - On September 26th, for just a pre-purchase of $12 you can obtain a tri-tip sandwich and potato salad side from the Salvation Army. First, buy your lunch tickets from LodiLunch.org and Second, on September 26 between 12noon and 2pm, bring your receipt to the Salvation Army location art 525 West Lockeford Street, Lodi CA 95240 and you will be given your lunch to go. Safe and socially distancing you can support a good cause.

Virtual Pet Blessing! Sunday October 4 at our Virtual Coffee Hour – That morning we will celebrate St. Francis Day with the Cathedral of St. James, Fresno service. Immediately after, at our Coffee Hour we invite participants to have any pets handy to be blessed. Additionally you can email pet information to Deacon Tom at - deacontom2020@gmail.com – your pet’s name, what type of animal/breed is she or he, as well as a photo if you have it. We will use our coffee hour time to share our pets, and Fr. Peter will bless each!

Interested in Being A Reader for A Sunday Service? If you would like to participate in the Morning Prayer service offered each Sunday, please contact Penny at the Church Office. You can email: stjohnslodi@sbcglobal.net or call 209-369-3381. After confirming a date with Penny, Fr. Peter or Dcn. Tom will send you the information you need to participate. It is a great way to stay connected and participate.

Virtual Bishop’s Visit – Wednesday October 7th 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm “Save the Date" – Bishop Rice and Canon Anna will join us (the Vestry and congregation) for a chance to pray together, check in and hear from the Bishop. The first thirty minutes will be devoted to Evening Prayer worship, with the remainder of the time dedicated to a conversation around an appropriate topic. All are invited! Info on the log in and phone in links will be shared closer to the date.

Gospel of Mark Class with Friend of the Parish - Father Tom Bonacci - Tuesdays (Sept 15, 22, 29, and October 6) from 10:30am - 12:00noon. If you are interested in attending please contact our parishioner Andee Z at azetterb@aol.com to reserve your space.

Tuesday Class 10:30 a.m. – Bible Study through Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians (one hour/session) – Every Tuesday until it concludes, Fr. Peter will facilitate a shared learning experience using this Epistle from Paul. (NOTE THERE WILL BE NO CLASS ON 9/22 AND 9/29). There is no need to read ahead of time, just come to any class on Tuesday and join in. We will meet on Zoom via the following links… Via pc: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89663609812?pwd=b1V1TllkVktRNUd6dHliaHRhV1czdz09
Meeting ID: 896 6360 9812 Password: 1055
Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd4S8dQU0K

Great Plates Senior Meals Program: The Great Plates program has extended again until October 9th. Seniors call the Loel Center and get three delicious meals everyday for FREE. Meals are provided by The Dancing Fox, Lodi Beer Co, Julias, and The Brickhouse. Annual income has to be below $75,000.During the COVID-19 crisis, Lodi area restaurants are helping, through volunteers by delivering three meals per day to qualifying seniors (age 65 and above, as well as certain ages for those affected directly by the COVID-19 Virus). If you want more information and/or to apply to benefit from this ministry, please reach out to the LOEL Senior Center by calling 209-369-1591.

9/14/2020 Monday Message, September 14, 2020

Monday Message September 14, 2020

TUESDAY September 19, 10:30am (1 hour) – Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians Bible Study– This week we will focus on the first part of chapter 5 in the epistle. Please know that you are invited to participate at any time, whether you have attended a previous session or not. NOTE: DUE TO AN EARLIER MORNING APPOINTMENT ON 9/15, IF FR. PETER HAS NOT LOGGED IN BY 10:40A.M., THEN CONSIDER THIS SESSION POSTPONED. There will be no bible study 9/22 or 9/29 since Fr. Peter will be on vacation.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 896 6360 9812
Password: 1055

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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 896 6360 9812
Password: 1055
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd4S8dQU0K

THURSDAY September 17 – The St. John’s Weekly “Epistle” – Our Weekly Communication. Articles for this week’s Epistle should be received by Penny (with Fr. Peter copied) by Wednesday noon.

FRIDAY Noonday Prayer September 18 on Our Facebook Page (Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist, Lodi CA). A brief worship with Fr. Peter. You can follow along with A Book of Common Prayer 1979 (BCP), page 103, or access the service pages at https://bcponline.org/DailyOffice/noonday.html

SUNDAY Morning Prayer Worship September 13 – Episcopal Church St. John the Baptist Facebook and Youtube Pages, 9:30 a.m. - Links to the Service will be provided in our Thursday Epistle.

9/10/2020 September 10, 2020 Thursday Epistle

September 10, 2020
Thursday Weekly Epistle from Fr. Peter

Dear Friends,

Please know that Deacon Tom and his spouse, Hennie, are away on vacation this week (through Sunday). I will leave for two weeks on September 20th. Until then here is what we, as a parish, are up to this week…


Friday Noonday Prayer – Friday’s 12noon you can catch Noonday Prayer on our Facebook Page (Episcopal Church of Saint John the Baptist, Lodi CA). Though you do not need the words to enjoy the worship, you can either turn to page 103 in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer or access the pages from this computer link: https://www.bcponline.org/DailyOffice/noonday.html

Thanksgivings and Birthdays and Anniversaries!

Sunday Memorials/Thanksgivings/Celebrations FOR September 13 Sept 13 Beth Elwood in celebration of her husband, Jim on his birthday September 13


Please join us on Sunday for worship, at 9:30a.m. via our Facebook and YouTube pages, (a bulletin is attached to this email) and look to gather together for our coffee hour on Zoom. The Best option for Worship is to go to the YouTube page (www.youtube.com) . Once you are in YouTube use the internal search bar to locate “Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist Lodi CA” and you will see the latest video as the page comes up. Second best option is to do the same on our similarly named Facebook Page. For the Coffee Hour link, see the information later in this Epistle.

Sunday Virtual Coffee Hour! Coffee Hour Question for Sunday September 13 – “What is your favorite sound of nature?” Following the 9:30 am service:

Computer: https://zoom.us/j/93073195951?pwd=NTZLYm5WRDIwVHltb2pEdzU1OE5kUT09

Meeting ID: 930 7319 5951
Password: 1055

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,93073195951#,,#,1055# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,93073195951#,,#,1055# US (Houston)
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 930 7319 5951
Password: 1055
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ad9wX8LY7r


A Note From Your Treasurer: St. John’s financial responsibilities continue each month and we depend on your pledges to meet them. We would like to thank those who kept up on their pledges over the Summer and remind those who let their pledges slip to please bring them up to date. You may choose to mail in a check or use our new Givlify app to send in your payment.

Something Fun for Friday, September 11! Hannah Wilson is turning 18 and her family and friends have arranged a “Surprise Drive by Birthday Celebration.” At 4:00 pm on Friday September 11 you are invited to drive-thru the parking lot at St. John’s here in Lodi and “Beep, Honk, Yell and Wave…” a happy 18th birthday to Hannah. Thank you.

Easement Interest on Parish Property – Parishioners were emailed or mailed a letter last Tuesday regarding some interest by a developer to pay for an underground easement through a part of our property. This prompted the Vestry to hire an individual to make an assessment of the current value of the land. For those interested, the rector, Wardens, Vestry, and St. John’s Land Committee representatives will be available on Zoom this Sunday (at 2pm) to answer any questions regarding the easement interest. Join Zoom Meeting via computer:

Meeting ID: 819 9268 8881
Passcode: 1055

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,81992688881#,,,,,,0#,,1055# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,81992688881#,,,,,,0#,,1055# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 819 9268 8881
Passcode: 1055
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kckAsafM35

Participation with No Children Left Hungry Continues - The Parishioners of St. John's have been incredibly generous in contributing to our food outreach to children and seniors during this difficult time. We have made one large purchase of shelf stable food which was given to the No Children left Hungry program and special fruits for the seniors. In between time we have been delivering milk, bread and eggs to the shut-in seniors so they have some fresh food. We will be making another large purchase this next week to share with those in need. We give thanks to God for all that He blesses us with so that we may share with others! Cheryl Nix, Pat Fehling

Vacations for Deacon Tom and Fr. Peter! Bishop Rice asked that all of his clergy take vacation time, especially if they have not during the pandemic. Thus, Deacon Tom will be away from September 9 through September 13. Fr. Peter will take two weeks beginning September 20, and returning on October 4.

Salvation Army Lunch, Drive through Fundraiser on Sept 26 - On September 26th, for just a pre-purchase of $12 you can obtain a tri-tip sandwich and potato salad side from the Salvation Army. First, buy your lunch tickets from LodiLunch.org and Second, on September 26 between 12noon and 2pm, bring your receipt to the Salvation Army location art 525 West Lockeford Street, Lodi CA 95240 and you will be given your lunch to go. Safe and socially distancing you can support a good cause.

Virtual Pet Blessing! Sunday October 4 at our Virtual Coffee Hour – That morning we will celebrate St. Francis Day with the Cathedral of St. James, Fresno service. Immediately after, at our Coffee Hour we invite participants to have any pets handy to be blessed. Additionally you can email pet information to Deacon Tom at - deacontom2020@gmail.com – your pet’s name, what type of animal/breed is she or he, as well as a photo if you have it. We will use our coffee hour time to share our pets, and Fr. Peter will bless each!

Seminary Intern to Virtually Serve – As Fr. Peter announced to the Vestry on Tuesday evening, we are getting a seminary intern. Jessica is in her third year at seminary on the east coast, and she recently transferred to our diocese. Another parish will act as her Sponsoring one, and Bishop Rice asked Fr. Peter to serve as her Supervisor here at St. John’s. Fr. Peter is delighted at this opportunity, having been a Field Education Supervisor for four seminary students when he was in Virginia. Jessica will do her work with us in the virtual world, and her course of internship (based on her specific learning goals and growing edges) is being worked out now. In early October she will introduce herself via a brief note in a Thursday Epistle, and Fr. Peter hopes to have her begin with us, and join us at our virtual Coffee Hour, on or around October 18th.

Covid Kit Making for Field Workers- The Stockton group in charge of this project has added new dates for assembling mask kits and are in need of volunteers. Dates and times are listed below. We will be meeting at Stockton Unified School District, 701 N Madison St., Stockton, CA 95202. We will be set-up inside the air-conditioned board room. You will need to push button at entrance to be let in. Just let them know you are there for the masking campaign. The entrance to the parking is the gate off of Flora St. Please contact Monica Gamboa at the number below to volunteer.

• Wednesday September 9th - 9:00am -12:00pm
• Wednesday September 9th - 1:00pm -3:00pm
• Thursday September 10th - 9:00am -12:00pm
• Thursday September 10th - 1:00pm -3:00pm

Monica Gamboa, Health Education & Outreach Coordinator
Community Health, Dignity Health, St. Joseph's Medical Center
1800 N. California St.; Stockton, Ca. 95204
(209) 461-5142 Direct, Monica.Gamboa@dignityhealth.org

Interested in Being A Reader for A Sunday Service? If you would like to participate in the Morning Prayer service offered each Sunday, please contact Penny at the Church Office. You can email: stjohnslodi@sbcglobal.net or call 209-369-3381. After confirming a date with Penny, Fr. Peter or Dcn. Tom will send you the information you need to participate. It is a great way to stay connected and participate.

Virtual Bishop’s Visit – Wednesday October 7th 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm “Save the Date" – Bishop Rice and Canon Anna will join us (the Vestry and congregation) for a chance to pray together, check in and hear from the Bishop. The first thirty minutes will be devoted to Evening Prayer worship, with the remainder of the time dedicated to a conversation around an appropriate topic. All are invited! Info on the log in and phone in links will be shared closer to the date.


Gospel of Mark Class with Friend of the Parish - Father Tom Bonacci - Tuesdays (Sept 15, 22, 29, and October 6) from 10:30am - 12:00noon. If you are interested in attending please contact our parishioner Andee Z at azetterb@aol.com to reserve your space.

Tuesday Class 10:30 a.m. – Bible Study through Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians (one hour/session) – Every Tuesday until it concludes, Fr. Peter will facilitate a shared learning experience using this Epistle from Paul. (NOTE THERE WILL BE NO CLASS ON 9/22 AND 9/29). There is no need to read ahead of time, just come to any class on Tuesday and join in. We will meet on Zoom via the following links… Via pc: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89663609812?pwd=b1V1TllkVktRNUd6dHliaHRhV1czdz09
Meeting ID: 896 6360 9812 Password: 1055
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd4S8dQU0K

Great Plates Senior Meals Program: During the COVID-19 crisis, Lodi area restaurants are helping, through volunteers by delivering three meals per day to qualifying seniors (age 65 and above, as well as certain ages for those affected directly by the COVID-19 Virus). If you want more information and/or to apply to benefit from this ministry, please reach out to the LOEL Senior Center by calling 209-369-1591. The Great Plates Program (through the Loel Center) has been extended until September 10th.

9/8/2020 Monday Message, September 7, 2020

Monday Message September 7, 2020
Sent on Tuesday SEPTEMBER 8TH due to Labor Day!

TUESDAY September 8, 10:30am (1 hour) – Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians Bible Study– This week we will focus on the second part of chapter 4 in the epistle. Please know that you are invited to participate at any time, whether you have attended a previous session or not.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 896 6360 9812
Password: 1055

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,89663609812#,,1#,1055# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,89663609812#,,1#,1055# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 896 6360 9812
Password: 1055
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd4S8dQU0K

THURSDAY September 10 – The St. John’s Weekly “Epistle” – Our Weekly Communication. Articles for this week’s Epistle should be received by Penny (with Fr. Peter copied) by Wednesday noon.

FRIDAY Noonday Prayer September 11 on Our Facebook Page (Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist, Lodi CA). A brief worship with Fr. Peter. You can follow along with A Book of Common Prayer 1979 (BCP), page 103, or access the service pages at https://bcponline.org/DailyOffice/noonday.html

SUNDAY Morning Prayer Worship September 13 – Episcopal Church St. John the Baptist Facebook and Youtube Pages, 9:30 a.m. - Links to the Service will be provided in our Thursday Epistle.

11/10/2019 Monthly Pancake Breakfast

11/4/2019 Chapel Jam Update

Chapel Jam for the youth of St. John's is off and strumming.  The chapel space was set for making music with a line-up of guitars, amplifiers, ukuleles, xylophones, and  rhythm instruments.  The next scheduled Chapel Jam for Youth is scheduled for Sunday, November 10.It will be held in the Historical Chapel from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
Join us Sunday, November 10th at 6:00 p.m.  All are welcome!

10/13/2019 Welcome Father Peter

We welcomed Father Peter and his family today at service.  It was a wonderful service and sermon.  After the service we celebrated with a pancake breakfast; thank you to the hospitality committee for preparing a wonderful meal!
We are all blessed! 

9/20/2019 St John's welcomes The Rev. Peter Ackerman

The Reverend Peter K. Ackerman was born in Southern California, where he lived in the San Fernando Valley section of Greater Los Angeles. A life-long Episcopalian, he was born on Easter Day almost literally inside the All Saints Episcopal sanctuary, where his mother, as an adult, had been baptized just hours before.
As the sons of television executive producer Harry Ackerman and classic television actress Elinor Donahue, Peter and his three brothers grew up immersed in the television industry. It was only natural that as an adult, Peter was initially drawn to work in the entertainment industry, first as an actor and later in the administrative end of television production.

It was during that period of his life that Peter met and married his wife of 32 years, Marie, who hails from Stockton, CA. They have two adult children: Amy, who resides and works in Chicago, and Harry, who lives with them.

In the 1990’s, despite working as the assistant to the line producer on a number-one program, Peter felt unfulfilled vocationally. After some focused prayer, he found that God began opening doors. Not long after his realization, he began working in a commercial real estate office. His less-taxing work schedule afforded him the time to say “yes” when his parish, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Studio City, invited him to become a part-time youth leader. That position led to Peter leaving real estate entirely to become the church’s full-time parish administrator.

Over time, the St. Michael and All Angels clergy, youth members, and adult parishioners began seeing a sense of call in Peter, to which Peter responded by entering into a formal discernment process. Once it was determined that Peter would be going to seminary, his bishop at the time insisted that he and his family leave the familiar life of the San Fernando Valley and attend Virginia Theological Seminary. With the bishop providing financial help for their move, the Ackerman family acquiesced, and relocated to northern Virginia, near Washington, DC. Peter graduated seminary and was ordained in 2007, at which point a local parish in Alexandria, Virginia wanted to hire him as their Associate Rector. With permission from his home diocese, he accepted this call, which eventually led him to formally becoming a priest in the Diocese of Virginia. In 2011 he was then called as rector of St. Christopher’s Church in the nearby town of Springfield, Virginia. After serving with St. Christopher’s for over eight years, Peter and his family are delighted to return to their home state of California and settle into life in Lodi at St. John the Baptist Church.    

For recreation both Peter and Marie love National Park hiking. Additionally, Marie is a sommelier and hopes to put her wine expertise to use in the wine country which they love to explore. Peter and his son enjoy discovering used bookstores; Peter is a collector of vintage “movie tie-in books” and pulp novels, while Harry immerses himself in history. The entire family loves old movies and, of course, classic television. At the request of a literary agent, Peter is currently at work on a book about what it was like growing up in a family so intimately involved with classic television. Peter and his family are delighted to become a part of the Diocese of San Joaquin and members at St. John’s, Lodi.